699/701/Anagrams:_medical quizzes

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    • Art tool anagrams
    • try to unscramble these letters to find the names of tools used to create artworks.
    • Animal anagrams
    • Reorder the letters to reveal animal names (e.g. nilo -> lion).
    • Anagrams: verbose
    • List the words that can be made using letters in the word "verbose". Words must be 4 letters or longer, each letter can only be used once.
    • Anagrams: marathon
    • List the words that can be made using letters in the word "marathon". Words must be 4 letters or longer, each letter can only be used once.
    • Anagrams: election
    • List the words that can be made using letters in the word "election". Words must be 4 letters or longer, each letter can only be used once.
    • Anagrams: England
    • List the words that can be made using letters in the word "England". Words must be 4 letters or longer, each letter can only be used once.
    • Anagrams: medical
    • List the words that can be made using letters in the word "medical". Words must be 4 letters or longer, each letter can only be used once.
    • Anagram Pairs 1
    • Each clue leads to a pair of three-letter words which are anagrams of each other, as in this example: clue: "delay girl" answer: "lag, gal" (delay = lag; girl = gal) Write the word pairs in the order the clue suggests.
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