Latin quizzes
Search results
- Latin 2nd Conjugation Verbs Perfect Tense - moneo
- Fill in all the parts of the Perfect Tense of moneo!
- Latin 4th Declension nouns - gradus
- Fill in the different parts of gradus!
- Latin 2nd Conjugation Verbs Pluperfect Tense - moneo
- Fill in all the parts of the Pluperfect Tense of moneo!
- Latin 2nd Conjugation Verbs Imperfect Tense - moneo
- Fill in all the parts of the Imperfect Tense of moneo!
- Latin 2nd Conjugation Verbs Present Tense - moneo
- Fill in all the parts of the Present Tense of moneo!
- The alphabet
- Can you type the (latin/roman) alphabet in the time allowed?
- Roman numerals
- Give the values of these Roman numerals.
- Lunar seas
- List the names of the lunar maria (seas of the moon) in English, from their Latin names.
- The alphabet backwards
- Can you type the (latin/roman) alphabet backwards in the time allowed?
- Harry Potter spells
- Can you name the Latin-sounding words used to conjure these spells in the "Harry Potter" books?
- 1st Conjugation Verbs Pluperfect Tense - amo
- Fill in all the parts of the Pluperfect Tense of amo!
- Football club mottoes
- Can you name the football clubs to whom these mottoes belong? Clubs are English unless otherwise stated.
- "Greek & Latin Prefix & Suffix Song" from "Grammar Songs" by Kathy Troxel
- Learn the "Greek & Latin Prefix & Suffix Song" from "Grammar Songs" by Kathy Troxel. Fill in the blanks. mis - wrong astron - star against - ob remain - sed crat - rule without - an onym - name capit - head com - together con - together col - together meter - measure - Let's call the whole thing off! heat - thermo life - bio homo - same before - pro (pre) mater - mother pater - father post - after ject - throw ante - before ab - away from inter - between inter - within - Let's call the whole thing off! frater - brother ex - out far off - tele see - scope psych - mind circum - around dynam - power greg - group gress - move all - pan iso - equal anthrop - man - Let's call the whole thing off! med - middle port - carry graph - write phone - sound again - re apart - se before - pre vid - see poly - many mono - one bene - well philo - love against - contra dict - say against - anti from - de God - theo world - cosmo false - pseudo earth - ge macro - large micro - small manu - hand order - mand - Let's call the whole thing off! soph - wise arch - chief beyond - extra bi - two self - auto cide - kill around - peri per - through hydra - water aqua - water semi - half hemi - half - Let's call the whole thing off!
- Seven Hills of Rome
- Name the seven hills of ancient Rome.